Those things about copy machine leasing!

For start-ups, although the price of photocopiers is not high, the installation, consumables, maintenance and other aspects are very troublesome. So it is wise to choose photocopier leasing. So what should we pay attention to when choosing photocopier leasing? Let’s give you a brief introduction. I hope we can help you with the rental of photocopiers.

1. Leasing is a wise way to obtain the use of photocopier equipment

The leasing company provides the service of replacing “financing” with “financing”, which enables the enterprise to obtain the right to use the equipment, reduce the investment in the equipment and reduce the depreciation risk.

The leasing company provides the maintenance, repair and management of equipment, and also bears the risk of equipment obsolescence.

2. Before you decide to rent equipment, you must understand and ask yourself these questions

01. Whether the use of this copier can increase benefits and reduce costs.

02. Is it effective for your cash flow to pay for this copy equipment.

03. Whether the use of this equipment will increase additional costs and management.

04. How long do you plan to use this device and whether the device itself is updated.

05. Will your needs for equipment change in the next few years or longer.

3. Once the evaluation of the equipment is completed, it is necessary to decide to rent the equipment, select a lease contract that is suitable for your needs, and consider the following factors.

01. Lease term.

02. Your company or personal credit.

03. The lease price is not a decisive factor. It is important to choose a leasing company with scale and good credit. Malicious price competition is dangerous to the equipment and you.